Tuesday 24 January 2012

Cool SEO Picture---You Want Your website to be in the middle

This is a cool picture maps what a network hub of computers looks like, but it reminded me of what a link footprint should look like to your website.

Monday 23 January 2012

A vermont search engine optimization firm explains keyword research

Every successful online marketing campaign begins with great keyword research. I can tell you from my experience that it is extremely important. In fact my first attempt at promoting a website with seo went unsuccessful because I did not know some basic knowledge of keyword research.
When I began searching for some easy to rank keywords I found one that had over 3,000 searches per month and after some quick backlink analysis and some brief review of on page factors it looked like the competition could be beat in just a month or two. Well, my presumptions were right as only about six weeks later i was in the top five for the term. But from my google analytics profile that was tracking my clicks I was only getting 1-5 clicks per day and sales were not happening. I was a little confused so a began to re-investigate my keyword and what I found was very disappointing. For professional help with keyword research this vermont search engine optimization firm can guide you.

The initial 3,000 searches per month thought the keyword was getting was innaccurate because I had used the "broad" search filter which in the Google Adwords Tool pulls up the number of searches for the specified term and all the other relevant searches. So, if you wanted to know how many people searched for "how to lose weight" find the number for that term plus relevant keywords like"how to lose weight fast" "how to lose weight in a week" " how to lose weight the best way" "how to lose weight without pills", etc. etc. etc.

Just to show you the large difference between the broad searches and exact searches, I typed in "how to lose weight" with only broad selected and Google says 11,100,000 searches are done each month globally. Now when I checked the exact search and no broad Google says 201,000 searches done globally. That is a huge difference and when you are trying to target one keyword you should search for it to find exact terms. In my case , once I checked the exact searches it came up with only 28 per month. Lesson Learned.

Now, this does not mean you should never use broad search filter as it can be useful for terms that don't have too many searches because if you find a term by only checking the exact filter and it comes up with about 10 searches it may not seem like alot, but if you check it with the broad it may get up in the hundreds which signifies that there is a market could be worth your efforts
For google keyword tool.